I would classify myself as an artist. It took me a while to finally accept that monicker, but that's what I am; AN ARTIST!!! I have a wonderful hubs that supports my "talents" in most all avenues, except maybe when the credit card bill comes in the mail...LOL
And I have 4 great kids and 5 beautiful grandchildren that I love to pieces. Come on by and sit a spell and
Whimsy Stamps Challenge Blog's challenge for this week is: (Wow, say that three times fast) to add sparkle!!! My gator is loving his/her glitter. I can just see him/her saying "Ahhhhhh" from being pampered at the spa.......Bwahahahahahahahahaha!!! The water, the occasional 'noshing'on some.....uhummm, well maybe not that. This is one of the new images that Whimsy Stamps has to offer, isn't it too cute? So swim on over and nosh you up some stamps so you can try some for yourself and don't forget to enter into the challenge... there are loads of talented people out there just dying to sink there teeth into the WIN!!!!
Cute! Love the glitter:D
oh it's definitely a "she" with all that glitter! love it!
super cute! Love that sparkly croc! Great card Crystal
Cute Crystal! Never would've crossed my mind to glitter up a gator!
Crystal I love your croc he looks a bit friendlier than the ones I was watching on TV last night that's for sure lol.
I have left an award on my blog for you to collect it is the first one in the post.
Lorraine x
Never thought a gator could look so adorable! Great job, Crystal!
So you have a to do list too? I keep one and have the same problem you do. Mark one thing off and add 2! My list just keeps growing!
That alligator is so cute! What a great card!
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