About Me

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I would classify myself as an artist. It took me a while to finally accept that monicker, but that's what I am; AN ARTIST!!! I have a wonderful hubs that supports my "talents" in most all avenues, except maybe when the credit card bill comes in the mail...LOL And I have 4 great kids and 5 beautiful grandchildren that I love to pieces. Come on by and sit a spell and "STAMP 'TIL YA CRAMP!!! & "CROP 'TIL YA DROP!!!"

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Party Pics!!!

This was at the beginning of the party..... I'm on the far right of the pic, my sister is standing next to me...ain't she cute!!!!

How low can ya go...How low can ya go????? We were playing limbo for a little while, the limbo-er is Spencer, the birthday girl's brother. Me and my sister are holding the limbo pole.... Spencer didn't spill a drop....bwahahahahahahahaha!!!!

We were waiting for the cake to be cut. Harlee is wearing the striped suit beside me and the cake cutter is another niece of mine; Shannon. The little girl next to Harlee is Lauren; Shannon's daughter. I have a large family and i love spending time with them. We had the best time yesterday. Wish you all could have joined us, I didn't get home until after midnight....LOL

Until later, party girls....Gotta split......TFL !!!


Linnie Blooms Shop said...

Way to paaartaaay!

Debby said...

Looks like serious fun had by all.

Stef H said...

looks like tons of fun. wow! what muscles in your arms! remind me never to get you angry at me!!! LOL.

but great legs!
