I love dressing up....Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Can ya tell??? I usually choose very funny costumes,

my sister on the other hand chooses very sexy costumes.... and she will never, I mean, never wear full face makeup. This is her rendition of a sexy pirate....lol I kept calling her a Wench!!! Can ya believe she is 62 yrs old.....???? Don't tell her I told you that...bwahahahahahahahahaha!!!

What a group of silly people we are...this is the best shot we could get of the whole lot of us. There are a couple of gladiators, Amy Winehouse impersonators, fisherman, ball players, a Flasher, a little bit of everything..... Next year we may have to do an aerial shot just to get all of us in it........ any case we all had a blast....we karaoked, danced, ate, and joked the night away.....

Can't wait till next year!!!
Until later, Howling Halloweeeeeners........Gotta split.....TFL!!!!