About Me

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I would classify myself as an artist. It took me a while to finally accept that monicker, but that's what I am; AN ARTIST!!! I have a wonderful hubs that supports my "talents" in most all avenues, except maybe when the credit card bill comes in the mail...LOL And I have 4 great kids and 5 beautiful grandchildren that I love to pieces. Come on by and sit a spell and "STAMP 'TIL YA CRAMP!!! & "CROP 'TIL YA DROP!!!"

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Exploring the EXPLORE

I was having a small issue trying to create the 'knock out test' for 
an image I wanted to put on my Explore with vinyl. 

Below the video will explain my dilemma and the solution.

Here is the final result.
I love how it turned out. 

The colors of vinyl I used are a metallic bronze and yellow.

You can get the vinyl from Expressions vinyl.  Look on the sidebar ----->
for the link to their website. 

It looks way more impressive IRL!!!

Until later, explorers............Gotta split......TFL!!!!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

That looks so fantastic. I still have to decorate my Explore. I have plenty of vinyl, just have not took the dive and cut anything with it yet