Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Anyone for some cat treats...... kitty kitty kitty!!!!

No, ot those kind of treats......these kind!!!!

I saw this super cute cat on another blog.....(check it out here). 
 I wanted to send a shout out to the person 
I stole CASE-d it from .....Hi, Linda!!!!!!
For those not in the know....CASE-d means Copy And Share with Everyone..

Also to tell her, I didn't add whiskers to mine either.... I tried several ways with ribbon, twine, yarn and even strips of paper. None of them looked right to me. 
Maybe its one of those Sphinx cats that have no hair........ bwahahahahahahaha!!!! is adorable.  I used the pillow box die and found some super cute halloween paper and placed my kitty on it. 

Another addition I made were the legs.....  if you visited Linda's blog you'll see hers didn't have hind legs....I used an oval punch. My cat's eyes are a little different also. But that's what CASE-ing is all about right?  

Until later, kitty cats......Gotta split......TFL!!!!


Thanks to you all for your comments, good, bad or indifferent.... I appreciate them all so much!!!